Publications and Software
VQEG Tools and Subjective Labs Setup
The main goal of the VQEG Tools and Subjective Labs Setup support group is to provide the research community with a wide variety of software tools and guidance in order to facilitate video quality research.
VQEG Publications and Other Documents
Select this link to access other VQEG publications and files, or scroll down to the end of this section. Available files include old T1A1 Contributions and various VQEG files (i.e., eLetters, Progress Reports, project archives, and validation tests). If you have questions about these documents, please reach out to Margaret Pinson
- Instructions to Authors.pdf (0.243 MB)
- Short Article with Text Only.doc (0.078 MB)
- VQEGeLetter Template Example.pdf (0.328 MB)
- vqeg_2nd_eletter_call_for_abstracts.pdf (0.166 MB)
- Draft_SG12_USA_1994_TwoCriteria.pdf (0.187 MB)
- SI_TI_study_1994.pdf (0.064 MB)
- T1A1.1_2001-018.pdf (0.064 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-106.pdf (0.142 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-111.pdf (0.381 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-112.pdf (0.702 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-113.pdf (0.249 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-131.pdf (0.143 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-134.pdf (0.316 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-135.pdf (0.309 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-136.pdf (0.193 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-137.pdf (0.396 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-138.pdf (0.358 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-139.pdf (1.194 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-144.pdf (0.381 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-145.pdf (0.078 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-145R1.pdf (0.094 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-150.pdf (0.116 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-157.pdf (0.175 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-158.pdf (0.201 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-161.pdf (0.093 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-162.pdf (0.254 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-175.pdf (0.067 MB)
- T1A1.5_92-195.pdf (0.203 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-0114.pdf (0.598 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-103.pdf (0.686 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-105.pdf (0.432 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-115.pdf (0.066 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-135.pdf (0.051 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-151.pdf (0.176 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-152.pdf (0.087 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-153.pdf (0.153 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-154.pdf (0.113 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-161.pdf (0.085 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-163.pdf (0.589 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-167.pdf (0.094 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-173.pdf (0.197 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-32.pdf (1.32 MB)
- T1A1.5_93-60.pdf (0.55 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-101.pdf (0.144 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-102.pdf (0.104 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-103.pdf (0.053 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-104.pdf (0.209 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-105.pdf (0.092 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-107.pdf (2.803 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-110.pdf (0.035 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-118.pdf (1.834 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-118R1_SubjTestPlan_ATT.pdf (1.661 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-119R1.pdf (0.964 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-120.pdf (0.294 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-121.pdf (0.212 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-122.pdf (1.699 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-123.pdf (0.239 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-124.pdf (0.235 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-127.pdf (0.581 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-128.pdf (0.077 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-131.pdf (1.197 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-132.pdf (0.046 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-133.pdf (0.039 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-134.pdf (1.404 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-139.pdf (0.07 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-140.pdf (0.316 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-143_DeltaNCS_SubjData.pdf (0.967 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-147.pdf (0.11 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-148_Corr._obj_subj_GTELabs.pdf (2.93 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-149.pdf (0.599 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-152_Anal_SubjObjTestData_NTIA.pdf (1.712 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-153.pdf (0.096 MB)
- T1A1.5_94-154.pdf (0.249 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-101.pdf (0.035 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-102.pdf (0.02 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-103.pdf (0.077 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-104.pdf (0.109 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-105.pdf (0.33 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-107.pdf (0.724 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-110.pdf (0.444 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-117.pdf (0.158 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-118.pdf (0.685 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-119.pdf (0.071 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-123.pdf (0.663 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-152.pdf (0.017 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-153.pdf (0.312 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-157.pdf (0.253 MB)
- T1A1.5_95-158.pdf (0.015 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-104.pdf (0.544 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-105.pdf (0.785 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-107.pdf (2.245 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-110.pdf (0.04 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-111.pdf (0.597 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-112.pdf (0.794 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-116.pdf (0.577 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-121.pdf (2.833 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-122.pdf (0.591 MB)
- T1A1.5_96-123.pdf (0.434 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-102.pdf (0.177 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-104.pdf (0.291 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-105.pdf (1.415 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-106.pdf (0.141 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-108.pdf (0.068 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-114.pdf (0.185 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-117.pdf (0.306 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-616.pdf (0.217 MB)
- T1A1.5_97-618.pdf (0.452 MB)
- T1A1.5_98-100.pdf (1.541 MB)
- T1A1.5_98-106.pdf (0.536 MB)
- T1A1_93-70.pdf (0.306 MB)
- T1A1_95-066.pdf (0.103 MB)
- T1A1_97-009.pdf (0.148 MB)
- T1A1_97-010.pdf (1.426 MB)
- (0.037 MB)
- (0.242 MB)
- T1A1_TestScenes_screenshots.pdf (0.745 MB)
- T1Q1.5_90-105.pdf (3.277 MB)
- T1Q1.5_90-114.pdf (0.88 MB)
- T1Q1.5_90-127.pdf (0.43 MB)
- T1Q1.5_91-110.pdf (3.084 MB)
- T1Q1.5_91-119.pdf (0.366 MB)
- T1Q1.5_91-123.pdf (0.91 MB)
- T1Q1.5_91-124.pdf (0.157 MB)
- T1Q1.5_91-132.pdf (2.349 MB)
- T1Q1.5_91-133.pdf (0.474 MB)
- T1Q1.5_91-134.pdf (2.977 MB)
- T1Q1.5_92-111.pdf (0.155 MB)
- T1Q1.5_92-112.pdf (0.804 MB)
- T1Q1.5_92-113.pdf (0.437 MB)
- T1Q1.5_92-134.pdf (0.316 MB)
- T1Y1.1_88-005.pdf (0.354 MB)
- T1Y1.1_88-025.pdf (0.123 MB)
- T1Y1.1_88-078.pdf (1.113 MB)
- T1Y1.1_89-553.pdf (0.381 MB)
- T1Y1.1_90-539R1.pdf (4.703 MB)
- VQEG progress report 2013 v6.pdf (0.232 MB)
- VQEGprogressreport2015.pdf (0.408 MB)
- VQEG_progress_report_2014_v5.pdf (0.822 MB)
- (65.813 MB)
- (3.117 MB)
- (0.023 MB)
- (0.057 MB)
- (9.305 MB)
- Metadata Input to NR Metrics 24-07-2023.docx (0.013 MB)
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- (0.063 MB)
- (0.033 MB)
- VQEG_3DTV_DVB_testplan_v1_0.doc (15.96 MB)
- VQEG Document Naming.doc (0.044 MB)
- VQEG host requirement.docx (0.015 MB)
VQEG Reports from Completed Validation Tests
VQEG has completed the following validation tests of objective video quality models. Each test involved a group of proponents who submitted models for evaluation. The independent lab group (ILG) implemented the test and ensured a fair and unbiased evaluation of models.
Where possible, the videos and individual subject ratings from these validation tests are made available on the Consumer Digital Video Library (CDVL,, for research and development purposes. Some VQEG datasets cannot be redistributed due to licensing restrictions on the source content.
- AVHD-AS/P.NATS Phase 2 was a joint project of VQEG and ITU-T Study Group 12 Question 14. The goal was to develop a multitude of objective models, varying in terms of complexity/type of input/use-cases for the assessment of video quality in adaptive bitrate streaming services over reliable transport up to 4K. For more information, see the AVHD project page.
- Hybrid Perceptual Bitstream (Hybrid) examined the performance of Hybrid models for VGA/WVGA and HDTV, using ACR-HR. Ten datasets were created. The test plan, final report, and status of ITU Recommendations are available on the Hybrid project page.
- High Definition Television (HDTV) examined the performance of FR, RR and NR models for HDTV, using ACR-HR. Six datasets were created, five of which can be redistributed for research and development purposes. The test plan, final report, video sequences, and resulting ITU Recommendations are available on the HDTV Phase I project page.
- Reduced Reference/No Reference Television (RRNR-TV) examined the performance of RR and NR models on standard definition video, using ACR-HR. Two datasets were created: 525-line (NTSC) and 625-line (PAL) video. The test plan, final report, and resulting ITU Recommendations are available on the RRNR-TV project page.
- Multimedia (MM) Phase I examined the performance of FR, RR and NR models for VGA, CIF and QCIF video (no audio), using ACR-HR. 41 datasets were created, none of which can be redistributed. The test plan, final report and resulting ITU Recommendations are available on the Multimedia Phase I project page.
- Full Reference Television (FRTV) Phase II examined the performance of FR and NR models on standard definition video, using the DSCQS methodology. Two datasets were created: 525-line (NTSC) and 625-line (PAL) video. The test plan, final report, and resulting ITU Recommendations are available on the FR-TV Phase II project page. The video sequences cannot be distributed due to licensing restrictions.
- Full Reference Television (FRTV) Phase I examined the performance of FR and NR models on standard definition video, using the DSCQS methodology. Four datasets were created: high quality and medium quality, for both 525-line (NTSC) and 625-line (PAL) video. Models were difficult to distinguish due to the narrow range of quality in each dataset. The test plan, final report, and video sequences are available on the FR-TV Phase I project project page.